Friday, December 19, 2014

Cell Model Project

Take a picture of your model and post it to the blog on or before January 5th at 11:59pm. Your blog post must include your  
TATTOO so that I know it is an original picture. 

Check out the photos below for inspiration:

*Just make sure that you include the organelle's name and functions if you are not using labels.
*Make sure labels are typed or neatly written.
* Great use of color and detail.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Diffusion Lab Summary

The processes of diffusion and osmosis account for much of the passive movement of molecules at the cellular level.In last weeks lab, you guys observed the diffusion of a substance across a semi permeable membrane.  You and your partner will create a summary that concludes the diffusion lab and reference KEY information to glean a clear understanding about the movement of particles across a semi-permeable membrane.



Your blog summary must include the following  KEY items of information to receive full credit;

  •  include the name's of your lab partners with your submission
  • An original definition of diffusion and osmosis. 
  • Which material was used to simulate a cell membrane and give a characteristic(descriptive term) of this material?
  • List one thing you learned and describe how it applies to a real life situation.
  • Compare your results with your predictions.  Do you find any conflicts that would cause you to revise your predictions?
  • Does this lab account for ALL the molecules that were present during this lab?
  • What does your data tell you about the sizes of the molecules related to the pore size of the baggie?
  • An original picture from our class of your final product( cup and baggie) along with a description of which molecules are moving.  Use arrows to illustrate how diffusion occurred in this lab.You can be creative here to exceed expectations. You may not share picture from any other group or use pictures from the internet.  An example is seen below.
bag and beaker