Sunday, March 15, 2015

genetucs biology

Name and relationship to you: Berkley Silvers and Father
Ethnicity/race: African American
Date of birth:3/13/69
Place of Birth: Washington D.C.
any history of diseases, defects, disorders, and allergies for example sickle cell, high blood pressure, diabetes, cleft plate or lip: heart disease and asthma
Lifestyle - exercise regimen if any, hobbies, habits, nutrition(i.e.,vegetarian, only eats chicken, no pork), visit dentists every 6 months: eats semi-healthy , exercises once a week
How would they rate their stress level from 1-5, with 5 being high stress level: 2
Take a picture of your family member on your phone so that they can be a part of our gene linkage project

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