Monday, September 7, 2015

All about me Jared Benjamin Intro to the Study of Life

(Self Explanatory)
It's Bland design and taste shows it's simplicity, like dna pattern.

Nucleic Acid

Even in the taste of oranges, you can tell it has some sort of acid. Its jolly good though.


Butter is very bad for you, all types of fats in it. Thats why I stopped:).


Whole wheats' bread is the definition of good if you want to have a healthy bod for the years to come.


Ham is like a demigod in my mind, second to bacon of course. The meat gives you the energy you need to get through the day and some potential workout sessions.

P.S. Sorry for the quality and the rushed effort, My phone or ipod or whatever it is hasn't arrived yet. You can email my mom for insight on this situation.

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