Thursday, February 11, 2016

Crash Course- Mitosis Questions

We have discussed the three jobs of the cell which are;

generate energy

making proteins and

creating more cells

Mitosis is the process by which new cells are formed from pre-existing cells in eukaryotes.  

Use the Crash Course video on Mitosis to answer the following questions.  Please answer the questions directly from the blog and highlight your final answer and skip lines if done on loose leaf.  All questions must be answered by the end of class and submitted to for full credit.  This assignment is one of the very first assignments of the 3rd quarter. 

1.) In your body, what can clone itself?

2.) Which process is used to repair cells?

3.) In the video, Hank gives examples of what mitosis does.  What are some of those examples?

4.) How does a 7 pound baby eventually become a 70 pound child?

5.) About how many times will mitosis happen in your lifetime?

6.) What stores DNA in the cell?

7.) How is the DNA organized in your cells?

8.) What kind of cells are the 46 chromosome (pairs)?

9.) What are the phases of mitosis?

10.) What type of cells are sex cells? 

11.) Most cells spend their life in which phase?

12.) What phase does the chromatin start to condense into chromosomes?

13.) When does the nuclear envelope disintegrate? (which phase)

14.) What are the job of the microtubules?

15.) Who first observed the process of mitosis?

16.) What does mitosis mean?  (Historical Greek definition)

17.) What the most recent discovery of mitosis by an MIT student?  (Just one point please)

18.) Which phase separates the chromosomes?

19.) What does the prefix "ana" mean?

20.) What happens in telophase?

21.) What is the division of 2 new cells called?

22.) What are the names of the two new cells?

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