Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Chapter 1 Chris Smith

1. What is wrong with martin ?

Martin is an albino.

2.  Do you think that Martin should have genetic treatment (if it were possible) to correct his problem? Why or why not? 

I think that he should learn to live with this disorder because if he have a child the child can mostl likely have the same disorder.

3. Do you think Martin should avoid having children in order to not pass along his condition? Why or why not? 

I think that if he wants to have a child, He should have. If the child have the disease, Martin should teach his kids what to do in these situations until they are able to deal with it on their own.

4. What is the difference between ethical, legal, and social issues? 

Ethical issues are issues that deal with a persons morals. Legal issues deal with what a person can do with the law.

Albino- A group of inherited disorders characterized by little or no melanin production.

Genetics- The study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in living organisms.

Pigment- The natural coloring matter of animal or plant tissue.

Gene- A gene is the basic physical and funtional unit of hereditary.

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