2. Aristotle believed that we're each a mixture of our traits with the father supplying life force and the mother supplying building blocks
3. Aristotle also believed that semen was highly purified blocks.
4. Gregor Mendel spent an unhealthy amount of time with pea plants
5. Classical Genetics is how traits get passed from children
6. Human cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes
7. A gene is a section of DNA that contains information
8. Polygenic Trait is many genes
9. Pleiotropic is multiple traits
10. Mebdelian Trait example wetness/dryness of ear wax
11. Allele can tell what is wet or dry
12. Somatic two sets of chromosomes from parents
13. Gametes are sex cells
14. Haploid has one set of chromosomes
15. Polyploid more than two sets of chromosome.
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