Wednesday, April 13, 2016

tyrane chapter 3-4

11. The doctor told howard that he's at a high risk for getting heart disease because of his family's history.

12. Some people who has the heart disease gene doesn't actually get the disease because some people 
have genes that put them at risk for cancer. However, their chance of actually getting cancer may be much less if they do not smoke. They will never become diabetic if they watch their weight.

13. Creating your Genetic Profile could be really helpful to you. It could recommends what health  related behaviors you should follow.

14. Yes, I believe that the police should keep an eye on the genes to prevent criminal behavior and save other person's life.

15.Genetic Expression- is the process by which information from a gene is used in the synthesis of a functional gene product. Genetic Determinism- is the mechanism by which genes, along with environmental conditions, determine morphological and behavioral phenotypes. Lastly Behavioral Genetics- is a field in which variation among individuals is separated into genetic versus environmental components.

16. If I were Mollie Yes, I would go and get tested to determine whether not I'm a carrier for CF.

17. The symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis is that your lungs could be clogged with mucus with makes it hard to breathe. Also your body may have a hard time digesting food

18. Reproductive technology can increase a couple's chance of having an healthy child because they can take the man's sperm and clean it of any disease then inject it inside the female.

19. I believe that the couple should not try and make a child because Carlos would just have to deal with the disease all over again.

20. Yes, I believe that the pregnancy should be terminated because the couple wouldn't have to deal with the cost and medical things involved with having the child.

21. Ex utero genetic testing can help Carlos and Mollie have a healthy child because  It can provide the clean fertilized eggs and place it inside the women uterus.

22. Yes I believe that it is possible in the future because I think that it is really good that people can do that. No I would not have my child tested before it is born.

23. A DNA marker is  a gene or other fragment of DNA whose location is known and that often is inherited along with the disorder.

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