Monday, April 25, 2016

Heredity Crash Course

View the attached link and write 15 facts about heredity from the Crash Course video.


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      1.The passing on of the genetic traits to parents.

      2.The concept started by Aristotle 2000 years ago when he said we are each a mixture of our parents traits.

      3.For hundred of years people thought our parents Genes just blended together

      4.Classical genetics- when traits gets passed from one parent to the next and do on for generations.

      5.Polygenetic means multiple genes

      6.Pleiotropic- Sometimes a single gene can influence how multiple genes can be expressed

      7.Some single traits can be decided by a single gene

      8.Wet was and dry wax is from 2 differ alles

      9.Glycine in amino acid produces wet wax

      10.Arginine in the amino acid produces dry wax

      11.Somatic cells are diploid meaning there are 2 sets of chromosomes one inherited from each parent.

      12.Gametes are sex cells.

      13.Gametes are haploid cells meaning that they have only one set of chromosomes

      14.Some plants have polyploid cells which means they have 2 sets of chromosomes in each cell

      15.When there are 2 alleles that decide the outcome of a specific trait one of those alleles could be dominant and the other could be recessive.
